Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Operation Egypt (Press Release)

Dear citizens of the world,

Anonymous can not, and will not stand idly while people are being denied their basic rights and human liberties. Yet, there are still a lot of governments worldwide who fail to even aspire to the standard of freedom that was set by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These governments believe they have the right and privilege to impose upon their own people an 'official' version of 'reality' which isn't in any way tampered by the truths of everyday life under which its citizens are living. Anonymous believes this is an outright crime which can not go unpunished.

The Egyptian people are living under inhumane conditions; being denied their basic rights to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, and the free access to information. By imposing censorship upon its own people and condemning these freedoms, the Egyptian government has revealed itself to be criminal, and has made itself an enemy of Anonymous.

To the Egyptian Government: Anonymous challenges all those who are involved in censorship. Anonymous wants you to offer free access to uncensored media in your entire country. When you ignore this message, not only will we attack your government websites, Anonymous will also make sure that the international media sees the horrid reality you impose upon your people. Anonymous will not spare anybody who supports this suppression. It is in the hands of the Egyptian government to end this: continue your repression and you will be subject to civil protest - lend an ear to the claim of freedom from your people and the hostilities will cease.

To the Egyptian people: We stand together and united against this oppression. This struggle is not just for you alone, but for the whole of humankind. Citizens can no longer endure their governments abuse. When forced by the threat of oppression, we will be loud as hell - and when the people roar, it will send shivers down the spines of all those who stifle our freedom and take our precious liberties away.

Anonymous are your brothers and sisters, your sons and daughters, your parents and your friends, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or place of birth. Anonymous is you. You will not be denied your right to free speech, free press, free association and your universal right to freely access information, both in real life and through the internet.

Join us on the IRC - #OpEgypt !

Join us in this battle for freedom of information worldwide!

For as Khalil Gibran once said: "Life without Freedom is like a body without a soul, and Freedom without Thought is like a confused spirit... Life, Freedom and Thought are three-in-one, and are everlasting and shall never pass away."

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Anonymous Op4RedHack

Greetings Citizens of the world, this is Anonymous.

It has come to our attention that the Turkish government want to prosecute a hacker group called Redhack, they are accused of being a "terror organisation." Prosecutors will demand up to 24 years imprisonment for people who have no connection to Redhack.

They opposed and carried out actions against rapes, out of date milk distributed to school children, which resulted in 100's being poisoned, and the country being prostituted to the capitalists. They opposed child pornography, internet censorship, and brutal government opposition. Lately, they have been viciously attacked by the Fascist Turkish State because they share information which already belongs to the people. The most significant of these attacks is the one that has been levied against innocent people who have no link to Redhack. These people, who have shared information on social media about these actions, are now held for ransom, solely in order to demonise Redhack and cut their support.

Redhack openly declared that Duygu Kerimoglu, Ugur Cihan Okutulmus and AllaatinKaragenc are not their members. Nor are the seven others, on bail.

We implore the public to give their support to these innocent people. We call on all hacktivists, activists, freedom defenders, human rights organisation to demand an end to the restraints imposed on these three innocent people on remand, and the seven others on bail.

No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how alone and abandoned you may feel know that over 9 thousands of us in Anonymous are with you and working tirelessly around the clock to bring you every assistance. To the people of Turkey and Redhack, know that Anonymous stands with you in this fight.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

IRC: =[]= channel #Op4RedHack || WebChat channel #Op4RedHack =[]=

For more intel:

For the last 15 years Redhack has taken side with the labour struggle and used its knowledge to promote the interest of the majority, and the oppressed in Turkey, as well as throughout the world.

They opposed and carried out actions against rapes, out of date milk distributed to school children, which resulted in 100′s being poisoned, and the country being prostituted to the capitalists. They opposed child pornography, internet censorship, and brutal government opposition. Lately, they have been viciously attacked by the Fascist Turkish State because they share information which already belongs to the people. The most significant of these attacks is the one that has been levied against innocent people who have no

links to Redhack. These people, who have shared information on social media about these actions, are now held for ransom, solely in order to demonise Redhack and cut their support.

On the 26th November 2012, for the first time in the the world, a hacker group will be tried, accused of being a “terror organisation.” Prosecutors will demand up to 24 years imprisonment for people who have no connection to Redhack. Redhack openly declared that Duygu Kerimoglu, Ugur Cihan Okutulmus and AllaatinKaragenc are not their members. Nor are the seven others, on bail.

We implore the public to give their support to these innocent people. We call on all hacktivists/activists/freedom defenders/human rights organisation to demand an end to the restraints imposed on these three innocent people on remand, and the seven others on bail.

Court hearing details: 26th November 2012 – 10:00am at 13th Ankara High Criminal Court

Committee of Freedom for Redhack Prisoners

(Redhack Supporters and @TurkeyAnonymous)

ACTIONS to take immediately

* Sign the petitions



Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Anonymous statement on the ceasefire Gaza

Wednesday - November 21, 2012 3:00 PM ET USA

Greetings World --

For the past week, we in Anonymous have come together with many other allied cyber-activist groups from around the globe to conduct Operation Israel. Our mission was three-fold, and clearly stated: to do everything in our power to keep the innocent people of Gaza connected to the world, to interfere with the brutal aggression aimed at them by the IDF - and to help give a voice to the voiceless. We feel that we have succeeded in these goals.

We are gratified and immensely relieved, as is everyone in the world - to hear of the announced cease fire between Hamas and the IDF. No one in the world desires a just and lasting peace more than Anonymous. While we in the collective have no problem interfering in war, we do NOT believe it is productive to interfere with peace. We will therefore stand down immediately from all further cyber attacks upon the IDF or Israel so as not to risk this delicate and perilous cease fire arrangement. Likewise, we encourage all those cyber groups who have joined with us to also cease and desist now from aggressive acts, and give this cease-fire a chance. We ask this NOT on behalf or for the benefit of either the government of Israel, or Hamas - but we beg it of you on behalf of the innocent people of Gaza, that they may no longer be slaughtered with impunity.

But let no one misunderstand us. Anonymous will continue to monitor the Internet and other communications lines into and out of Gaza. We will continue to watch closely BOTH sides in this war.  And we will continue to advocate by all peaceful means at our disposal for a just and lasting peace for Palestine and Israel, as well as the entire world. We will be vigilant, we will be active. Operation Israel  is NOT going anywhere, and the innocent people of Gaza will never be alone again. Let this Operation be an object lesson to any government or entity anywhere who believes they can turn off the Internet...

We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget



Web Site -

Anonymous Global -

Anonymous leaks personal information of 5000 Israeli officials

Anonymous has posting personal data of five thousand Israeli officials online. The document contains names, email addresses and ID numbers apparently belonging to Israeli officials.

Earlier, Anonymous hacked over 700 hundred Israeli websites, including the Bank of Jerusalem, the Israeli Defence Ministry, the IDF blog, the President's official website.

“It has come to our attention that the Israeli government has ignored repeated warnings about the abuse of human rights, shutting down the internet in Israel and mistreating its own citizens and those of its neighboring countries,”

Friday, 16 November 2012

Anonymous attacks Israeli websites

Anonymous has launched attacks against websites in Israel. Over 700 Israeli websites have been hacked and defaced such as Israeli government and military sites, Tel Aviv's official government and the Israeli president's site fails to load. Anonymous has also taken the Bank of Jerusalem, one of Israel's largest financial institutions, offline, and deleted the banks online database.

The Jerusalem Post has confirmed the assault, of Anonymous including the attack on the Foreign Ministry’s website, as well as those of Kadima party, Bank of Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv Municipality.

Anonymous Operation Israel (OpIsrael) is a response of the announced from the Israeli government on Wednesday, November 14, that they would be cutting off Internet services in Gaza.

Op Israel Care Package For

Greetings World --

For to long, Anonymous has stood by with the rest of the world and watched in despair the barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people in the so called "Occupied Territories" by the Israel Defense Force. Like so many around the globe, we have felt helpless in the face of such implacable evil. And today's insane attack and threatened invasion of Gaza was more of the same.

But when the government of Israel publicly threatened to sever all Internet and other telecommunications into and out of Gaza they crossed a line in the sand. As the former dictator of Egypt Mubarack learned the hard way - we are ANONYMOUS and NO ONE shuts down the Internet on our watch. To the IDF and government of Israel we issue you this warning only once. Do NOT shut down the Internet into the "Occupied Territories", and cease and desist from your terror upon the innocent people of Palestine or you will know the full and unbridled wrath of Anonymous. And like all the other evil governments that have faced our rage, you will NOT survive it unscathed.

To the people of Gaza and the "Occupied Territories", know that Anonymous stands with you in this fight. We will do everything in our power to hinder the evil forces of the IDF arrayed against you. We will use all our resources to make certain you stay connected to the Internet and remain able to transmit your experiences to the world. As a start, we have put together the Anonymous Gaza Care Package which contains instructions in Arabic and English that can aid you in the event the Israel government makes good on it's threat to attempt to sever your Internet connection. It also contains useful information on evading IDF surveillance, and some basic first aid and other useful information. We will continue to expand and improve this document in the coming days, and we will transmit it to you by every means at our disposal. We encourage you to download this package, and to share it with your fellow Palestinians to the best of your ability.

We will be with you. No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how alone and abandoned you may feel - know that tens of thousands of us in Anonymous are with you and working tirelessly around the clock to bring you every aid and assistance that we can.

We Are Anonymous
We Are Everywhere
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
To the oppressors of the innocent Palestinian people,
it is too late to EXPECT US

More Info: info and Gaza care package

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

NullCrew - Fuck The System

Currently, we live in a world that we are constantly afraid to bring others into.
All because the people whom are called terrorists, are the ones who control us.
Raising false flags, to fund their wars.

Supplying drug cartels with weapons, due to a bill being signed.
Rights being removed.
Censorship being supplied.

Fuck The System, when the government lies.
Fuck The System, when corporations opperate under the table.
Fuck The System, when your insurance company refuses to pay the difference, due to greed.

Fuck The System, when you have nothing left; due to a political giants actions.
Fuck The System, when you are claimed a terrorist for practicing freedom of speech.

So many reasons, to many to list; that is why we here at NullCrew have taken actions.

People losing money, when we pay taxes.
People losing freedom, for speaking their mind.
People whom are suicidal, being shot by the cops; instead of attempting to help.

These are all reasons that Fuck The System has always been so important to us.

We should all be putting all of our differences aside for the bigger problems at hand, the fact that we are being brain washed.
That we are being punished, having rights extinguished from the governments own fear.

Anyone can make a difference, all it takes; is opinions to be announced.
All it takes, is a strong will; and the ability to see through with what you do.

We all want this change, more so then others; and this is OUR way or protesting.
This is OUR way of speaking our minds.

This is all of us, united into one idea.
The idea of true freedom, so as people who wish for this.

Let's all shout:
Let us be free!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Remember the 5th of November

A worldwide day of protests and cyber attacks against governments, banks and security firms has been launched by Anonymous to mark Guy Fawkes Day. Hundreds of people marched in London, while another rally hit Washington, DC.

A rash of cyber attacks were reported on Monday in line with the the 5th of November "V For Vendetta" inspired hacking spree.

The Guy Fawkes Day start with the hack of 28,000 Paypal Accounts. Several Australian government sites were targeted during the global day of protest, while Argentina’s government bank was also reportedly hacked. Anonymous also hacked into "Telecom Italy" ( the Greek City website, the Ghana Consulate website, and claim to have leaked VMware ESX Server Kernel source code via twitter today.