Saturday, 24 November 2012

Anonymous Op4RedHack

Greetings Citizens of the world, this is Anonymous.

It has come to our attention that the Turkish government want to prosecute a hacker group called Redhack, they are accused of being a "terror organisation." Prosecutors will demand up to 24 years imprisonment for people who have no connection to Redhack.

They opposed and carried out actions against rapes, out of date milk distributed to school children, which resulted in 100's being poisoned, and the country being prostituted to the capitalists. They opposed child pornography, internet censorship, and brutal government opposition. Lately, they have been viciously attacked by the Fascist Turkish State because they share information which already belongs to the people. The most significant of these attacks is the one that has been levied against innocent people who have no link to Redhack. These people, who have shared information on social media about these actions, are now held for ransom, solely in order to demonise Redhack and cut their support.

Redhack openly declared that Duygu Kerimoglu, Ugur Cihan Okutulmus and AllaatinKaragenc are not their members. Nor are the seven others, on bail.

We implore the public to give their support to these innocent people. We call on all hacktivists, activists, freedom defenders, human rights organisation to demand an end to the restraints imposed on these three innocent people on remand, and the seven others on bail.

No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how alone and abandoned you may feel know that over 9 thousands of us in Anonymous are with you and working tirelessly around the clock to bring you every assistance. To the people of Turkey and Redhack, know that Anonymous stands with you in this fight.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

IRC: =[]= channel #Op4RedHack || WebChat channel #Op4RedHack =[]=

For more intel:

For the last 15 years Redhack has taken side with the labour struggle and used its knowledge to promote the interest of the majority, and the oppressed in Turkey, as well as throughout the world.

They opposed and carried out actions against rapes, out of date milk distributed to school children, which resulted in 100′s being poisoned, and the country being prostituted to the capitalists. They opposed child pornography, internet censorship, and brutal government opposition. Lately, they have been viciously attacked by the Fascist Turkish State because they share information which already belongs to the people. The most significant of these attacks is the one that has been levied against innocent people who have no

links to Redhack. These people, who have shared information on social media about these actions, are now held for ransom, solely in order to demonise Redhack and cut their support.

On the 26th November 2012, for the first time in the the world, a hacker group will be tried, accused of being a “terror organisation.” Prosecutors will demand up to 24 years imprisonment for people who have no connection to Redhack. Redhack openly declared that Duygu Kerimoglu, Ugur Cihan Okutulmus and AllaatinKaragenc are not their members. Nor are the seven others, on bail.

We implore the public to give their support to these innocent people. We call on all hacktivists/activists/freedom defenders/human rights organisation to demand an end to the restraints imposed on these three innocent people on remand, and the seven others on bail.

Court hearing details: 26th November 2012 – 10:00am at 13th Ankara High Criminal Court

Committee of Freedom for Redhack Prisoners

(Redhack Supporters and @TurkeyAnonymous)

ACTIONS to take immediately

* Sign the petitions



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