Wednesday - November 21, 2012 3:00 PM ET USA
Greetings World --
For the past week, we in Anonymous have come together with many other allied cyber-activist groups from around the globe to conduct Operation Israel. Our mission was three-fold, and clearly stated: to do everything in our power to keep the innocent people of Gaza connected to the world, to interfere with the brutal aggression aimed at them by the IDF - and to help give a voice to the voiceless. We feel that we have succeeded in these goals.
We are gratified and immensely relieved, as is everyone in the world - to hear of the announced cease fire between Hamas and the IDF. No one in the world desires a just and lasting peace more than Anonymous. While we in the collective have no problem interfering in war, we do NOT believe it is productive to interfere with peace. We will therefore stand down immediately from all further cyber attacks upon the IDF or Israel so as not to risk this delicate and perilous cease fire arrangement. Likewise, we encourage all those cyber groups who have joined with us to also cease and desist now from aggressive acts, and give this cease-fire a chance. We ask this NOT on behalf or for the benefit of either the government of Israel, or Hamas - but we beg it of you on behalf of the innocent people of Gaza, that they may no longer be slaughtered with impunity.
But let no one misunderstand us. Anonymous will continue to monitor the Internet and other communications lines into and out of Gaza. We will continue to watch closely BOTH sides in this war. And we will continue to advocate by all peaceful means at our disposal for a just and lasting peace for Palestine and Israel, as well as the entire world. We will be vigilant, we will be active. Operation Israel is NOT going anywhere, and the innocent people of Gaza will never be alone again. Let this Operation be an object lesson to any government or entity anywhere who believes they can turn off the Internet...
We Are Anonymous
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
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